Zack Johnson

Photo by Lex Gordan.

Zachary Andrew Johnson, or Zack as he is primarily known, is a creative AV Technician from the greater Milwaukee area. Currently, he resides in Chicago, IL and works for Community Christian Church. Zack is deeply passionate about the art of storytelling through digital media. He loves to see a story develop from start to finish, often out of the ashes and ruin of what life can be. Through his work, he strives to tell the stories of people from all over the world, as well as his own story that life is taking him on.

In addition to art and digital media, Zack loves to travel. He has gotten to see man parts of the world, including Poland, Bulgaria, Jordan, Israel, Colombia, and more. As coffee addict and nerd for many years, he is always striving to perfect the next cup. Zack entertains himself with a deep passion for sports, specifically soccer, which he both plays and watches.

Zachary developed the alias NeuQuest while he was in college. The name NeuQuest is based on the paternal surname of his Swedish ancestors “Newquist”. He changed the name slightly to combine the words “new”, or “neu” in German, which represents his maternal heritage, and “quest” because of the adventurous sound of the name. When put together, the name NeuQuest speaks of the journey of life each person is on, motivating Zack to press into challenges and change that come his way.

To contact Zack for interest in his expertise or to hear more from him, please see the contact information below:

Zachary Johnson
@neuquest (Instagram)